Wednesday, May 31, 2017

JPS test Post #1

Test post #1 for JPS Test Blog.

Review and personal Training on blogger.

To achieve anything worthwhile requires effort. 

Jonathan at School

Thursday, February 2, 2017

The Stars at Night

                                           Are big and bright.  Deep in the heart of Texas.

Friday, January 27, 2017


Saturn is a beautiful planet.  I can see it through a telescope after sundown.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Post #4-How To Use Blogger- Full introduction

The following is the You Tube Video I am following for Training

How to use blogger- Full introduction

To be continued...

Celestial Sphere

Star Gazing  - Why people do it?

Celestial Sphere

JPS Test Post #2- Weather and Climate in Spain

The weather in Spain.

Why it rains on the plains in Spain

Rain falls on the plains of Spain, except when it does not.
The weather in Spain is not predictable in the long term.  Therefore, forecasting more than a week out cannot ensure that the prediction for rain on the plains of Spain are accurate.

Is Predicting rain in Spain beneficial to farmers?

Yes.  Weather predictions are beneficial if they are accurate.  They help to reduce the risks of crop losses to farmers.

Weather and Climate Change

20th Century Climate Not So Hot- (From CFA Press  March 31, 2003)

Cambridge, MA - A review of more than 200 climate studies led by researchers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics has determined that the 20th century is neither the warmest century nor the century with the most extreme weather of the past 1000 years. The review also confirmed that the Medieval Warm Period of 800 to 1300 A.D. and the Little Ice Age of 1300 to 1900 A.D. were worldwide phenomena not limited to the European and North American continents. While 20th century temperatures are much higher than in the Little Ice Age period, many parts of the world show the medieval warmth to be greater than that of the 20th century.